Awana Clubs

Pre-K through 6th grade meets every Wednesday night!!! 5 PM -7 PM. The meal begins at 5 PM followed by Awana activities.

If you would like to help a child/family cover Awana expenses throughout the school year, please designate on your memo or see the office. $30 Awana sponsors needed.
Help Needed! Adult cast members are needed for a Nativity Production to be held in December. Also needed are those who can sew/help with making costumes and supplies. Please see Karen Johnson for more info or if you can help.

Serving this Week...

Serve the LORD with gladness! Psalm 100:2

Deacons of the Week

If you are in need of assistance, please contact a Calvary Deacon of the week.
September 9-15, 2024: Bryan Fuller & Don Vaughan

Children's Church

For children in the 2nd grade and under during the 10:30 AM worship  gathering. This week's leader(s): Denise Emerson, September 15, 2024.

Transportation Team

Transportation is available for each service each week. 
9/11/24 Wednesday, 4 PM Pick Up:  J. Paul Wilcox, Jarrod Owen; Dale Smith, Kelly Blevins.
9/11/24 Wednesday, 7 PM Take Home: Frank Coolbroth, Josh Bray; Denise Owen, Jax Franklin.
9/15/24 Sunday AM J. Paul Wilcox, James Belvin
9/15/24 Sunday PM Clint Newton, Brian Franklin

Volunteer Cleaning Rotation

Cleaning the 9th street campus the week of 9/8/24, The Franklin Family; the week of 9/15/24, Steve S.
Cleaning the 270 campus the week of 9/8/24, Tony & Tia; the week of 9/15/24, The Belt family. 

Sunday School & Small Groups at Calvary

At Calvary, we believe it is vitally important that we regularly gather and study God's Word together. With our new building project, we have had to improvise to make sure we provide time and space for that to occur. There are currently two adult Bible study classes that meet each Sunday morning at the 270 campus at 9:15 am. The Ladies Bible Study (Adult Bible Study 2), taught by Lisa Lott meets in the front classroom adjacent to the foyer. The Adult 1 Bible Study, taught by Frank Coolbroth, meets in the Fellowship Hall of the 270 campus. Worship begins shortly after classes end at 10:30 AM.

Our Children and youth meet each Sunday evening at the 9th Street campus, (429 S. 9th St.) from 5 PM -7 PM for Sunday school and fellowship, usually with some food and recreation added to the mix.  There is also the Adult 5 Bible Study that meets at 5pm, which is taught by Kelly Blevins. This allows those members to either attend another class or serve in teaching children at 6 PM.

There are three other classes that meet at 6 PM at the 9th street campus: Adult Bible Study 3, taught by Steve Segelquist; Adult Bible Study 4, taught by Jeremy McMahan and Adult Discipleship Training, taught by J. Paul Wilcox. In addition to these on going classes, New Member classes are held regularly as needed at 6 PM and are taught by Bro. Chip Lott.

If you are not yet connected to a small group, we hope you'll come join us soon!