Morning, January 20th
January 20th, 2024
“Abel was a keeper of sheep.”         —Genesis 4:2As a shepherd Abel sanctified his work to the glory of God, and offered a sacrifice of blood upon his altar, and the Lord had respect unto Abel and hi...  Read More
Morning January 18th
January 18th, 2024
Morning, January 18th“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.”         —Hebrews 4:9How different will be the state of the believer in heaven from what it is here! Here he is born to toi...  Read More
Morning, January 2
January 2nd, 2024
Continue in prayer.”         —Colossians 4:2It is interesting to remark how large a portion of Sacred Writ is occupied with the subject of prayer, either in furnishing examples, enforcing precepts, or...  Read More
Evening, January 1
January 1st, 2024
“We will be glad and rejoice in thee.”         —Song of Solomon 1:4We will be glad and rejoice in thee. We will not open the gates of the year to the dolorous notes of the sackbut, but to the sweet st...  Read More
Morning, January 1
January 1st, 2024
“They did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.”         —Joshua 5:12Israel’s weary wanderings were all over, and the promised rest was attained. No more moving tents, fiery serpents, fier...  Read More
Morning, December 31
December 31st, 2023
“In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, if any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.”         —John 7:37Patience had her perfect work in the Lord Jesus, and...  Read More