Posts with the category “spurgeon”

Spurgeon, Evening September 10
September 10th, 2024
“Evening wolves.”         —Habakkuk 1:8While preparing the present volume, this particular expression recurred to me so frequently, that in order to be rid of its constant importunity I determined to ...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Spurgeon, Morning September 10
September 10th, 2024
“And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him.”         —Mark 3:13Here was sovereignty. Impatient spirits may fret and fume, because they are not called ...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Spurgeon, Evening September 9
September 9th, 2024
“And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment.”         —Revelation 4:4These representatives of the saints i...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Spurgeon, Morning September 9
September 9th, 2024
“I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.”         —Jeremiah 33:3There are different translations of these words. One version renders it, “I will shew thee gre...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Spurgeon, Evening September 8
September 8th, 2024
“The exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead.”         —Ephesians 1:19, 20In ...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Evening, March 23
March 23rd, 2024
“I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.”         —Luke 19:40But could the stones cry out? Assuredly they could if he who opens the mouth of the dumb s...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Evening, March 22
March 22nd, 2024
“Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am.”         —John 17:24O death! why dost thou touch the tree beneath whose spreading branches weariness hath rest? Why dost...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Morning, March 22
March 22nd, 2024
“And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed.”         —Matthew 26:39There are several instructive features in our Saviour’s prayer in his hour of trial. It was lonely prayer. He wi...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Evening, March 21
March 21st, 2024
“Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?”         —Job 38:31If inclined to boast of our abilities, the grandeur of nature may soon show us how puny we are. We ca...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Morning, March 21
March 21st, 2024
“Ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone.”         —John 16:32Few had fellowship with the sorrows of Gethsemane. The majority of the disciples were not sufficiently advan...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Evening, March 20
March 20th, 2024
“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church.”         —Ephesians 5:25What a golden example Christ gives to his disciples! Few masters could venture to say, “If you would practise ...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Morning, March 20
March 20th, 2024
“My beloved.”         —Song of Solomon 2:8This was a golden name which the ancient Church in her most joyous moments was wont to give to the Anointed of the Lord. When the time of the singing of birds...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Evening, March 19
March 20th, 2024
“And she did eat, and was sufficed, and left.”         —Ruth 2:14Whenever we are privileged to eat of the bread which Jesus gives, we are, like Ruth, satisfied with the full and sweet repast. When Jes...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Morning, March 19
March 20th, 2024
“Strong in faith.”         —Romans 4:20Christian, take good care of thy faith; for recollect faith is the only way whereby thou canst obtain blessings. If we want blessings from God, nothing can fetch...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Evening, March 18
March 18th, 2024
“As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you.”         —John 15:9As the Father loves the Son, in the same manner Jesus loves his people. What is that divine method? He loved him without beginning...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Morning, March 18
March 18th, 2024
“Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.”         —Galatians 3:26The fatherhood of God is common to all his children. Ah! Little-faith, you have often said, “Oh that I had the courage...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Evening, March 17
March 17th, 2024
“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”         —Matthew 5:9This is the seventh of the beatitudes: and seven was the number of perfection among the Hebrews. It may...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Morning, March 17
March 17th, 2024
“Remember the poor.”         —Galatians 2:10Why does God allow so many of his children to be poor? He could make them all rich if he pleased; he could lay bags of gold at their doors; he could send th...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Evening, March 16
March 16th, 2024
“Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins.”         —Psalm 19:13Such was the prayer of the “man after God’s own heart.” Did holy David need to pray thus? How needful, then, must such a prayer...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Morning, March 16
March 16th, 2024
“I am a stranger with thee.”         —Psalm 39:12Yes, O Lord, with thee, but not to thee. All my natural alienation from thee, thy grace has effectually removed; and now, in fellowship with thyself, I...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Evening, March 15
March 15th, 2024
“He did it with all his heart and prospered.”         —2 Chronicles 31:21This is no unusual occurrence; it is the general rule of the moral universe that those men prosper who do their work with all t...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Morning, March 15
March 15th, 2024
“Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.”         —2 Timothy 2:1Christ has grace without measure in himself, but he hath not retained it for himself. As the reservoir empties itself into the p...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Evening, March 14
March 14th, 2024
“I will take heed to my ways.”         —Psalm 39:1Fellow-pilgrim, say not in your heart, “I will go hither and thither, and I shall not sin;” for you are never so out of danger of sinning as to boast ...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Morning, March 14
March 14th, 2024
“Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.”         —1 Corinthians 10:12It is a curious fact, that there is such a thing as being proud of grace. A man says, “I have great faith, I sha...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Evening, March 13
March 13th, 2024
“Then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark.”         —Genesis 8:9Wearied out with her wanderings, the dove returns at length to the ark as her only resting plac...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Morning, March 13
March 13th, 2024
“Why sit we here until we die?”         —2 Kings 7:3Dear reader, this little book was mainly intended for the edification of believers, but if you are yet unsaved, our heart yearns over you: and we wo...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Evening, March 12
March 12th, 2024
“To whom belongest thou?”         —1 Samuel 30:13No neutralities can exist in religion. We are either ranked under the banner of Prince Immanuel, to serve and fight his battles, or we are vassals of t...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Morning, March 12
March 12th, 2024
“Thou shalt love thy neighbour.”         —Matthew 5:43“Love thy neighbour.” Perhaps he rolls in riches, and thou art poor, and living in thy little cot side-by-side with his lordly mansion; thou seest...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Evening, March 11
March 11th, 2024
Thou shalt be called, Sought out.”         —Isaiah 62:12The surpassing grace of God is seen very clearly in that we were not only sought, but sought out. Men seek for a thing which is lost upon the fl...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox
Morning, March 11
March 11th, 2024
“Sin … exceeding sinful.”         —Romans 7:13Beware of light thoughts of sin. At the time of conversion, the conscience is so tender, that we are afraid of the slightest sin. Young converts have a ho...  Read More
by Charles Spurgeon
Evening, March 10
March 10th, 2024
“Man … is of few days, and full of trouble.”         —Job 14:1It may be of great service to us, before we fall asleep, to remember this mournful fact, for it may lead us to set loose by earthly things...  Read More
by Charles Spurgeon
Morning, March 10
March 10th, 2024
“In my prosperity I said I shall never be moved.”         —Psalm 30:6“Moab settled on his lees, he hath not been emptied from vessel to vessel.” Give a man wealth; let his ships bring home continually...  Read More
by Charles Spurgeon
Morning, March 9
March 9th, 2024
“Yea, he is altogether lovely.”         —Song of Solomon 5:16The superlative beauty of Jesus is all-attracting; it is not so much to be admired as to be loved. He is more than pleasant and fair, he is...  Read More
by Charles Spurgeon
Evening, March 8
March 8th, 2024
“She called his name Benoni (son of sorrow), but his father called him Benjamin (son of my right hand).”         —Genesis 35:18To every matter there is a bright as well as a dark side. Rachel was over...  Read More
by Charles Spurgeon
Morning, March 8
March 8th, 2024
“We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.”         —Acts 14:22God’s people have their trials. It was never designed by God, when he chose his people, that they should be an untr...  Read More
by Charles Spurgeon
Evening, March 7
March 7th, 2024
“It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man.”         —Psalm 118:8Doubtless the reader has been tried with the temptation to rely upon the things which are seen, instead of resti...  Read More
by Charles Spurgeon
Morning, March 7
March 7th, 2024
“Have faith in God.”         —Mark 11:22Faith is the foot of the soul by which it can march along the road of the commandments. Love can make the feet move more swiftly; but faith is the foot which ca...  Read More
by Charles Spurgeon
Evening, March 6
March 6th, 2024
Pride made the boaster a beast, as once before it made an angel a devil. God hates high looks, and never fails to bring them down. All the arrows of God are aimed at proud hearts. O Christian, is thin...  Read More
by Charles Spurgeon
Morning, March 6
March 6th, 2024
This great work is supernatural. It is not an operation which a man performs for himself: a new principle is infused, which works in the heart, renews the soul, and affects the entire man. It is not a...  Read More
by Charles Spurgeon
Evening, March 5
March 5th, 2024
Say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.”         —Psalm 35:3What does this sweet prayer teach me? It shall be my evening’s petition; but first let it yield me an instructive meditation. The text informs...  Read More
by James Paul Wilcox